Soullaby Reiki
soothing touch energy work, with lullabies for your soul
Space to surrender
Miss being sung to like a child? This feels like that beautiful nurturing gift.
Relax, receive, and let the waves of life force energy, light touch, and healing songs wash over you. Your body & mind can heal themselves in this milieu.
After you share painful memories or present struggles, together we visit them with gentle peaceful intentions and healing songs.
We invite stuck places in the body to welcome fresh flow, natural comfort, and reciprocal connection.
Clear old stories
Often your fairies or guides will speak through me to deliver messages you need to know for lightening up on yourself, enjoying life, and improving situations.
You get to implement these practices into your life!
Plus you get to hear the recording of the whole session again and learn the songs to sing to yourself.
Reveal new wisdom
Relax into support
$222 for 90-mins plus audio recording
You may also use the code FREEDOM to pay a different amount, pay in cash, or offer a gift or trade service as your exchange within the cycle of abundance.